Dedicated to improving California’s Insurance Industry

Join PIFPAC now!

Politics in California impacts your business daily.  Join insurance professionals from State Farm, Farmers, and other insurance companies who make up PIFPAC to help elect legislators who understand the needs of the insurance industry and small business.

"I joined PIFPAC because I understand the importance of making sure my small business is heard and represented politically. I also understand the importance of the organization building critical relationships to aid insurance agency owners like myself, alone my impact is small, but together our impact is significant."

Devyne Brown

"My involvement goes all the way back to Prop 103 which was my first introduction to politics. I am active because I am tired of someone else telling our story, as they generally have it wrong, and legislators that come to office with an agenda."

Mike Qutermuos

"...political influence is like Life Insurance... when you need it you're either already dead or it is too expensive. You don't have to love the process of politics to see the necessity to be a part of it."

Eric Smith

"Each of our contributions separately wont amount to the change needed, but as a team contributing time and resources together, we truly do have a chance to make a difference"

Britney Oates

Gina Lopez
"As a Business Owner having an advocate fighting for our voice is important in the insurance industry. In these current times we can’t be sure of what lies ahead, PIFPAC is a way to create this advocacy. I am proud to be a Diamond member!

Gina Lopez

"I became a PIFPAC member because my mentor Ralph Bettencourt always instilled its importance to me. In my first visit to Sacramento we were lobbying against AB5 and fortunately we were successful. Seeing the impact that bill has had caused me to up my donation and vow to always have a seat at the table as a member of PIFPAC."

Nick Mynderse

"I joined PIFPAC to add my voice and support to the ongoing efforts of protecting our industry as well as to have the opportunity to participate in promoting effective and positive legislative changes associated with our business that ultimately benefit companies, agents and clients alike. The strength in numbers can make a difference!"

Emilio Solares

"Our elected representatives do not work in a vacuum. Most local and State legislators appreciate contact with their constituents to better understand the issues and proposed legislation that impacts them and their businesses. PIPPAC has a history of knowing who, when, and how to communicate with our elected legislators and their staff. We don’t win on every issue but our batting average ‘aint bad (as they say). "

Doug Brewer

"For the last 4 or 5 years I’ve enjoyed getting to know our legislators, participating in Legislative Days, responding to calls to action and generally being mindful of the opportunity we have as small business owners to educate and inform. Being a PIFPAC member keeps me in the loop, and I know that we are stronger together."

Dena Rogers

"Initially, I was encouraged by my peers to join PIFPAC, but as I gained more experience in the insurance industry with State Farm, I realized that my ability to provide the best customer care to my policy holders could be detrimentally impacted by misguided legislature. Now, I have been more involved with local and state government than I ever have been. I look forward to continuing to support PIFPAC both financially and through my own involvement."

Jim Breen

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Message from the Chair

PIFPAC is the combined force of State Farm, Farmers, and other insurance company employees and agents who understand that California politics can impact, both positively and negatively, the businesses they worked so hard to grow.

Groups operate throughout Sacramento political circles that would make it much more difficult for the insurance industry to operate in California.  To these efforts, the insurance industry must respond.

Rex D. Frazier
PIFC President

The mission of PIFC is to keep personal insurance affordable and available for consumers through state government advocacy and political action.

Visit PIFC

Latest News

Bill Rundown

This was a positive year defeating bad ideas to come out of the Legislature. Extensive efforts on the part of PIFC lobbyists, PIFPAC members, and ...
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Political Update

The March primary has concluded, and ballots were certified by April 12th.  The top two candidates from each primary election move on to the general ...
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Regulatory Update

On the regulatory front, CDI endeavors to execute the various regulations necessary to implement the Commissioner’s Sustainable Insurance Strategy.  Following the disappointing announcement of the ...
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1201 K Street, Suite 1250
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 442-6646
Fax: (916) 446-9548

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