PIFPAC is widely recognized as one of California’s leading political voices.
PIFPAC is the political action committee for State Farm, Farmers, and other insurance professionals.
PIFPAC is a voice for insurance agents, who are community oriented, small business owners in every California community. It is critical that insurance agents, as small business owners who are knowledgeable about their communities engage with, and evaluate candidates running for office, who make decisions that affect the livelihoods of insurance professionals, and the communities they live in. Money in PIFPAC is provided by individual insurance professionals, with no corporate dollars.
Through PIFPAC, insurance agents evaluate candidates for State Assembly, State Senate, and local elected offices. After a thorough vetting process, the PIFPAC Board makes recommendations for campaign support. This can include introducing candidates to new networks of community leaders, precinct walking, and direct campaign funding. PIFPAC is non-partisan, supporting viable candidates from all sides of the political spectrum.