Get Involved
Besides contributing to PIFPAC, there are other fun ways to support your business.
Contributing to PIFPAC is the first step to support the political future of your business, but there are so many other fun ways to get involved! Check out our toolkit below if you want to help.
Encourage colleagues to join PIFPAC
We’ve made it easy to encourage your colleagues to join! We have a basic email template below reviewing why people should contribute, but we encourage people to add their own personal stories to this template.
Dear Colleague,
Like me, as an insurance professional you’ve experienced how much Sacramento politics impacts our business every day. If you are not a member of PIFPAC yet, I encourage you to join today.
The Personal Insurance Federation of California fights for our interests in Sacramento, so we can focus on what we love: helping our customers protect their most important assets.
Bad ideas that would harm our business come out of Sacramento every year.Insurance agents nearly lost the ability to be independent contractors, but PIFPAC was integral to ensuring our ability to continue operating as independent business owners. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t spend my career building a small business to become someone’s employee.
PIFPAC also helped defeat a proposal that would have required insurance companies provide retroactive coverage for pandemics, on policies that were not priced to cover society-wide events like pandemics. Small businesses cannot survive if government can change their contracts after the fact.
If you are not a member already, please join PIFPAC today. Starting at $30 per month, it is a small investment that is incredibly important to the health of our industry.
If you have questions, please contact me or PIFPAC Membership Manager Maria Castellanos.
Your Colleague
Talk to your colleagues about why political engagement is important
Understanding how much politics impacts insurance and small business is the first step to getting involved. You can use these talking points to help others in your industry better understand the importance of political engagement.
Join the PIFPAC Membership Committee
Let others know why contributing to PIFPAC is part of your business model
Send a short video or quote about why you believe in PIFPAC to Maria Castellanos.
Attend or host a fundraiser for your favorite elected officials
PIFPAC may be able to pay your way or help organize the event, contact Maria Castellanos for more info.
Get involved in a political campaign
- Registering voters
- Walking precincts
- Hosting a phone bank